St. Ives Collagen Elastin Moisturizer

Good evening love bugs!

  So…..I am always asked by friends and colleagues about the products I use, and let me tell you…..I love them all!  I am a product ‘whore’ and when I find a product that is working for me I stick to it.  Today I am sharing my first holy grail product with you!

If it were up to me, I would have started moisturizing the day I was born.  It is a quick step that should be done morning and night that will make a huge difference in the way your skin looks. The three key steps to perfect skin are cleansing, toning, and moisturizing (and of course, tons of water to keep that skin looking fresh and hydrated).   Don’t skip these steps no matter how late you get home from that awesome evening out.  It will make all the difference, I guarantee it!

Later I will be posting my holy grail toner and cleanser, but for now, I will share my all time favorite night time moisturizer, the St. Ives Timeless Collagen Elastin Moisturizer.  Now I’m only 27, but there is nothing wrong with being proactive ladies!  Losing collagen and elasticity of the skin typically begins in your 40’s.  If you start early, you will love the results by then.stivesmoisturizer

There are several things I love about this moisturizer.  Check it out!

  • reduces the appearance of fine lines (which starts to occur in your 30s) and wrinkles
  • formulated with collagen and elastin proteins
  • has natural safflower seed oil (which allows your oil glands to sit back and relax while the natural oils in the moisturizer do the work for them)
  • dermatologist tested
  • Non-comedogenic (won’t clog pores, good bye black heads)
  • has a heavenly scent (it reminds me of those ‘sleep’ frangrances, so its perfect before bedtime)
  • was featured on the Dr. Oz show (he said not to waste your money on high end products as this will do the job for that healthy, glowing skin.  Pretty cool guy, if you ask me.)
  • has a thick consistency, so you only need a little bit (This 10 oz jar will last you quite a while)
  • very affordable!  Sells around $5!

This moisturizer can be used day and night, however, I prefer using a moisturizer with SPF for day.

If you try the St. Ives moisturizer, comment below and tell me how you like it!  Stay tuned for more of my holy grail beauty products! XO NAT

Disclosure: All comments, experiences, and pictures are my own.

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