Pumpkin Spice Cupcakes

Happy Fall Love Bugs! Nothing screams fall than all things pumpkin.  I know what you’re thinking…..yes, I love all things pumpkin and I actually enjoy trying all of the seasonal changes in flavors of everything on all of the aisles of the grocery store.  While everything that tastes like pumpkin is great, Pumpkin Spice cupcakes […]

Ben & Jerry’s Tonight Dough Ice Cream!

Happy Summer Love Bugs, This month is National Ice Cream month, so naturally, I have used this as an excuse to devour my favorite dessert.  Ice cream is one of those non-negotiables.  You can’t tell me that you aren’t instantly happy when you eat ice cream (am I right, or am I right?). While I […]

RA Sushi Review

Kon’nichiwa  Love Bugs! I love that my birthday is in December because I feel like I get an abundance of gifts that month, however, sometimes the rest of the year can seem rather boring in the sense that I don’t get showered with coupons from stores and shops for free or discounted items.  That’s why […]

Burger 21 Will Have Burger Lovers Drooling!

Happy Monday Love Bugs, My summer has officially begun, which means I will be blogging a lot more.  To kick off my sumer blog sessions, I decided to share an amazing new burger joint located in Ft. Lauderdale.  Next time you are in the area, you have got to check out Burger 21, a great […]

Make Disney’s Most Famous Breakfast Treat At Home!

Hi Love Bugs! Can you guess what Disney sells 1 million of every year?  OK, I won’t make you guess (drum roll, please)……..Mickey waffles!  Mickey waffles are a hit no matter where you get them on Walt Disney World Property.  These iconic waffles bring a smile to the face of anyone who indulges in the […]

Sloan’s Ice Cream Is The Best in Town!

Hello Love Bugs, There is nothing that I love more than a sweet dessert, and Sloan’s Ice Cream is the place to go when I am in the mood for some amazing homemade sundaes! I first discovered Sloan’s a few years ago when visiting City Place in West Palm Beach.  Now, I’m addicted and never […]

Healthy Yogurt Parfait Recipe

Good Morning Love Bugs! Many of you know from my previous posts that I am currently working really, really hard to lose weight. It hasn’t been easy, but I am looking forward to being healthy and shopping in my closet again.  One of the hardest parts about loosing weight is eating healthy.  Since I love […]

Mojo Donuts Is A Must For Donut Lovers!

Happy Sunday! Are you a sweet tooth that loves all things cheesecake, cookies, chocolate, and even creme brûlée? Well, now you can get all of those things in a plump, gooey, out-of-this-world donut! I walked into my co-workers office the other day (Hi Jilly-Jill!) and my eyes landed on a donut topped with bacon (yes, […]

DIY Cat In The Hat Cupcake Toppers

Happy Hump Day! Everyone knows I am a huge Disney fan, but I am also an eternal fan of all things Dr. Seuss. Dr. Seuss has inspired me as a child, and continues to motivate me as an adult.  I love reading Dr. Seuss’ books to my students and seeing their imaginations run wild with […]

Chiptole Guacamole Copy Cat Recipe

Happy Tuesday Love Bugs, Yesterday, I was craving guacamole alllllll dayyyyyy lonnngggg!!!!!!  It’s all I thought about.  I decided to make (and share with you) my copy cat recipe of Chipotle’s guac which is absolutely divine.  I call it the copy cat recipe, because I mixed in several ingredients every time I made it until […]